PostgreSQL/PPAS 관련 듣고 싶은 교육은

총 게시물 169건, 최근 0 건


글쓴이 : 모델광 날짜 : 2022-04-16 (토) 08:15 조회 : 1854

I do not suppose many projects allow developers to create functions in a database because user defined functions can incur a lot of problems and it is difficult to diagnose and fix those problems. But following reminder about avoiding mistakes is probably valid in a project where UDFs are allowed for some reason.

Last year I worked on a project where I had to port Oracle functions to PostgreSQL functions. And I was shocked to see more than 100 UDFs and triggers in an AS-IS database. And it seemed that the database had no problems with those many UDFs.

After porting Oracle functions, some anomalies were reported in some queries using UDFs. While doing a user acceptance test, some queries reported different results even though the input value was the same. After a deep investigation, we found that there were code errors in the function but PostgreSQL failed to report it.

Here is a demonstration based on a common, trivial, but annoying error I ran into in the project- it starts with a table and a user defined function.

CREATE TABLE employee (

    empno numeric(5,0) NOT NULL,

    ename character varying(10),

    job character varying(9),

    mgr numeric(5,0),

    hiredate timestamp(0),

    sal numeric(7,2),

    comm numeric(7,2),

    deptno numeric(2,0),

    sido_nm character varying(100)


insert into employee

select i, chr(65+mod(i,26))||i::text||'NM'

      ,case when mod(i,10000)=0 then 'PRESIDENT'

            when mod(i,1000) = 0 then 'MANAGER'

            when mod(i,3)=0 then 'SALESMAN'

            when mod(i,3)=1 then 'ANALYST'

            when mod(i,3)=2 then 'CLERK'

        end as job

      ,case when mod(i,10000)= 0 then null

            when mod(i,1000)= 1 then 10000

            when i >= 9000 then 1000

            else ceiling((i+1000)/1000)*1000

        end as mgr

      , current_date - i

      , trunc(random() * 10000) as sal

      , trunc(random() * 10000) as com

      , mod(i,12)+1             as deptno

      , case when mod(i,3) = 0 then 'Jeonbuk'

             when mod(i,3) = 1 then 'Kangwon'

             else                   'Chungnam'

        end as sido_nm

from generate_series(1,10000) a(i);



ALTER TABLE employee ADD CONSTRAINT employee_pk

  PRIMARY KEY (empno);


select pg_relation_size('employee');


The following pattern of function was the culprit of frequent anomalies.

                 p_deptno IN NUMERIC)
   WHERE deptno = p_deptno;
   RETURN v_sido_nm;

Did you notice the code error in the function? The code error should be quite easy to see in the above function - but in a more complex example with a longer piece of code it might not be so visible.  The error is that the query in the function returns many rows (only first row is used, but it can be an unexpected row). It is very common for developers to overlook the possibility of returning many rows. The problem is that when you create and execute the function, it does not return any errors.

Here is the output from running the function:

analdb=# select f_test(2)
| f_test  |
| Kangwon |

So when a developer creates a function and runs the function in the dev environment, he or she can not notice that there is an error in the code. So the developer decides to ship the code to the production environment. And some time later a user gets a different result value in the quries involving the function.

How can we avoid this nasty problem? Let's run the function, but precede it with setting plpgsql.extra_warnings to "all":

analdb=# set plpgsql.extra_warnings to 'all'

analdb=# select f_test(2)
WARNING:  query returned more than one row
HINT:  Make sure the query returns a single row, or use LIMIT 1.
| f_test  |
| Kangwon |

Setting plpgsql.extra_warnings worked, so the function will still execute and return the result, but we have had an explicit warning of exactly what we've done wrong and some tips of what we can do to remove the error.


When you create a function and test it in a development environment, you should set plpgsql.extra_warnings to "all". In default settings - no warning is raised. PL/pgSQL is too tolerant.


I am afraid I do not know what impact setting plpgsql.extra_warnings to "all" in the production environment will have. It has the possiblilty of increasing the CPU load.

