PostgreSQL is the DBMS of the Year 2017
by Paul Andlinger, Matthias Gelbmann, 2 January 2018
Tags: DBMS of the year, Elasticsearch, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is the database management system that gained more popularity in our DB-Engines Ranking within the last year than any of the other 341 monitored systems.
We thus declare PostgreSQL as the DBMS of the Year 2017.
For determining the DBMS of the year, we subtracted the popularity scores of January 2017 from the latest scores of January 2018. We use the difference of these numbers, rather than a percentage, because that would favor systems with a tiny popularity at the beginning of the year. The result is a list of DBMSs sorted by how much they managed to increase their popularity in 2017, or in other words, how many additional people started to communicate about it in one of the ways we measure in our methodology, for example job offers, professional profile entries and citations on the web.
DBMS of the Year: PostgreSQL
While in our last year's popularity ranking PostgreSQL already ran in on place 3, 2017 was an even better year for PostgreSQL. With a total gain of 55.81 scoring points (+17%) and improving its score in each of the single monthly rankings of 2017, it outperformed all other systems in 2017.

During 2017 PostgreSQL passed MongoDB and has secured it's 4th rank in the DB-Engines popularity ranking.
The new release of PostgreSQL 10 certainly helped to further stimulate interest in that product. With the introduction of Declarative Partitioning, improved Query Parallelism, Logical Replication and Quorum Commit for Synchronous Replication, PostgreSQL 10 specifically focused on enhancements for effectively distribute data across many nodes.
[이 게시물은 PostgresDBA님에 의해 2018-01-12 09:12:32 공지사항에서 이동 됨]